Go To Market или стартап – это про продажи.

Не перестаю удивляться тому, насколько часто приходится объяснять стартаперам, что успех их проекта во многом зависит от того, как будет продаваться продукт. На чем только они ни концентрируются: на технологии, на грантах Сколково, на презентациях инвестору, - но только не на реальном, стоящем двумя ногами на земле, плане маркетинга и продаж. Большинство бизнес-планов, которые нам присылают, разумеется, содержат раздел с прогнозом продаж, но, копнув даже на полштыка, мы сразу видим, что абсолютно никакого понятия о том, как собственно эти прогнозы будут выполняться, нет.

Недавно я пытался выяснить у одного такого «прогнозера», как в его компании будет происходить процесс продаж. «Ну как же, ― говорил он, ― вот, мы позвоним немецкому партнеру, и он будет продавать наше чудо-изобретение в Германии». И ему даже в голову не пришло подумать о таких мелочах, как немецкий язык, импорт в Германию и других деталях, которые просто необходимо учесть, чтобы достичь успеха. У меня сразу пропадает доверие к остальным частям бизнес-плана: как я могу доверять человеку, который просто вписал циферки в Excel?

Поэтому хочу подчеркнуть, что наличие продуманного, реалистичного, выполнимого плана маркетинга или Go To Market Strategy, ― необходимое условие для того, чтобы ваш бизнес-план не оказался в мусорной корзине инвестора. Не говоря уже о вашей личной заинтересованности в том, чтобы там же не оказалась ваша компания вместе с парой лет жизни.

Что же такое хорошая GTM-стратегия? Как я уже сказал, есть несколько ключевых составляющих, которые должны лечь в ее основу.

Первое ― это правильный выбор модели распространения. Она определяется самим продуктом, целевым рынком, на который он направлен, и бизнес-моделью компании. Построение модели распространения должно происходить в самом начале разработки, поскольку она окажет влияние на качество продукта и приоритетность разработки его компонентов. Методика Lean Startup помогает построить такую модель на основе общения с клиентами. На эту тему могу порекомендовать массу полезной литературы (см. мой пост про библиотеку акселератора).

Второе ― это продумывание процесса продаж в деталях. Продумать необходимо как механику работы («холодные» звонки, спам, виральность), так и список действующих лиц (кто будет совершать звонки, фиксировать результаты). Нужно учитывать также длительность цикла продаж, специфику вертикального рынка, на который вы выходите (бюджетные циклы, праздники и т.д.), и другие «мелочи». Стоит подумать и о том, кто будет учить ваших исполнителей технике продаж продукта и кто будет ими управлять.

Третье ― построение прогнозов на основании сформированной механики процесса. Зная хотя бы примерно, сколько может продать один менеджер, сколько времени занимает одна продажа и с какой скоростью вы можете нанять и обучить персонал, можно построить реалистичную модель роста продаж. По этому же плану можно отслеживать прогресс компании и отдела продаж в дальнейшем.

Вы даже не представляете себе, насколько увеличит ваши шансы на получение денег наличие описанного мной плана и умение внятно объяснить его инвесторам. Поэтому просто поверьте и сделайте такой план ― не пожалеете.

- (FT Prentice Hall, 2002), subtitled A Guided Tour Through the Wilds of Strategic Management by Henry Mintzberg, Bruce Ahlstrand and Joseph Lampel is an overview of the full field of academic and business studies of strategy, based on a previous… … Wikipedia

strategy - strategy, tactics, logistics as used in relation to warfare are not always clearly distinguished. Strategy is the art or science involved in the direction of the forces at his disposal by the commander in chief of a belligerent nation or by those … New Dictionary of Synonyms

Strategy - Strat e*gy, n. gie. See {Stratagem}.] 1. The science of military command, or the science of projecting campaigns and directing great military movements; generalship. 2. The use of stratagem or artifice.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

strategy game - UK US noun computing a computer game, for example a war game, in which a player makes decisions about the whole game rather than pretending to be a particular character … Useful english dictionary

Strategy X - may refer to: * Strategy X (video game), an Atari 2600 game *, the first episode of … Wikipedia

strategy - I noun approach, arrangement, art of war, artifice, battle maneuver, campaign, careful methods, careful plans, consilium, contrivance, course, course of action, cunning, design, devices, engineering, forethought, intrigue, intriguery, invention,… … Law dictionary

Strategy (patrón de diseño) - Strategy (Estrategia) es un patrón de diseño para el desarrollo de software. El patrón Strategy permite mantener un conjunto de algoritmos de los que el objeto cliente puede elegir aquel que le conviene e intercambiarlo según sus necesidades. Los … Enciclopedia Universal

strategy - strategy, tactics In war, as in politics and business, strategy is used of an overall plan of action embodying certain principles and objectives, and tactics is used of the detailed means adopted to achieve them. Tactics is normally treated as a… … Modern English usage

strategy - n. pl. strategies 1. a) the science of planning and directing large scale military operations, specif. (as distinguished from TACTICS) of maneuvering forces… … English World dictionary

Strategy (game) - Strategy is a solitaire card game which uses a deck of 52 playing cards. It belongs to the same family as Sir Tommy and Calculation, and this can be regarded as the more difficult cousin of Sir Tommy.The cards in the deck are dealt one at a time … Wikipedia

Strategy and organizations - may refer to: * the study of the strategies of organizations (as distinct from the strategies of individuals or nation states) * the field studying study of Strategic Management from an Organizational Studies viewpoint (as distinct from an… … Wikipedia


  • Strategy-Driven Talent Management. A Leadership Imperative , Dowell Ben E.. A Publication of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Praise for Strategy-Driven Talent Management«Silzer and Dowell"s Strategy-Driven Talent Management provides a… Купить за 7729.32 руб электронная книга
  • Strategy. Key Thinkers , Tom Kane. Over twenty two centuries ago, the Greek general Pyrrhus questioned the real gains of military victory. Today we might reflect on the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in much the same way.…

Product Launch and Product Planning | Successful product launches are either a great deal of luck or are driven by a thoughtful, customer-centric GTM strategy. Lenati connects key customer insights with a compelling launch strategy and execution plan across product, marketing and sales.

Shifting to the Cloud | Often the success or failure of a cloud-based alternative has less to do with compelling product features and more to do with how successfully companies can adapt their business, marketing and sales models. Lenati helps companies make the shift to the cloud across their entire business, with a particular emphasis on the impact to sales and marketing.

U.S. Market Entry | The U.S. market is highly sought after, given the size of the opportunity. Success or failure is largely dependent on capacity and saturation of the market and a compelling value proposition. Lenati helps companies develop an entry strategy based on revenue and/or growth opportunities given customer buying habits.

Customer Growth Strategy | Sometimes companies find that sales are lagging or customer engagement is lower than anticipated. Lenati helps identify why products or services are stagnating and works with companies to develop new growth strategies.

Adapting to Changing Buyers | In today’s dynamic marketplace, buyers and buyer behavior are constantly changing. Whether targeting millennials for the first time or trying to influence business decision makers instead of a technical audience, sales and marketing needs to hold hands and adapt. Lenati helps companies shift to a buyer-centric organization while aligning marketing and sales functions to the new customer.

Meet our Go-to-Market Expert:

Lisa Schlichting

Lisa Schlichting’s expertise spans Go-To-Market strategy, Customer Insights, Marketing Strategy and Execution with a focus on the high-tech industry. Her passion is found in helping growing to Fortune 500 clients leverage customer behavior and market insights to develop the most effective routes to market. Given she started her career at global advertising agencies, her strategic experience is grounded in a foundation of marketing execution. Lisa has worked across a variety of well-known brands such as Windows, Office 365, Logitech, Salesforce.com and Philips.

2 pages, 505 words

A go-to-market strategy defines the activities and the participants that connect a firm to its customers and prospects (Zoltners 2001).

Within this framework the process of deciding on a go to market strategy usually involves answering four major questions. The first of these questions involve determining how best way to segment the existing market. Since customers are heterogeneous with differing needs which entails identifying different groups of customers with similar characteristics is mandatory. The existence of diversity among customers is minimized as the broader market is divided into smaller homogenous segments. Segmentation can be structured along the lines of geography, customer size or business potential, industry or application, market and channel accessibility and purchase behavior. Products, services, positioning and selling efforts can then be customized into individual segments. According to Zoltners the best approach to segmentation for developing go to market strategy is one that generates segments whose members require attraction and retention activities and hence similar essential work.

The second question entails determining what is required for each segment. Essential work comprise of activities required to serve the customer efficiently and effectively. Essential work is subdivided into four activities: interest creation which involves making prospects aware of the benefits of your product or service, pre-purchase which include qualifying and assessing customers and prospects, purchase which encompasses negotiating, bidding, proposal writing and writing orders and post-purchase activity which represent activities geared toward building commitment leading to business relationships and future sales. In determining the essential work requires for each needs, size and opportunity can play a pivotal role together with input from sales people, channel partners and consultants. After determining the required essential work the next question involves deciding which go to markets participants should perform these tasks.

4 pages, 1713 words

Activities, opinions. Q 7. For a company of your choice: define its target audience in terms of how it has segmented the market ... a product. By using segmentation a company can identify target customer groups. Examples of segmentation: - 1. Demographics - age, sex, ... Large global organisation; high quality products; good company to work for; attempts to produce social, economic and environmental ...

Cost is usually an overriding factor in determining how to go to market. The four major go to market participants are advertising and promotion, call centers, the internet and sales forces. Each go to market participant will have a varying amount of efficiency and effectiveness depending on the customer characteristics and type of essential work. The sales force is known to provide that critical link for companies transitioning from transactional selling toward one of relationship building. Sales people can also be very decisive in protecting and retaining valued accounts.

This is not to underestimate the contributions made to the sales process by other go to market participants and very often there are hybrid go to market participant portfolios where the salesperson does some of the essential work and other participants perform complementary tasks for the same customer segments and most of or all the work for other segments. The final question involves deciding whether to use a direct or indirect sales force. Several factors favor direct sales for over indirect sales force and vice versa. The level of company specific capabilities required for success in the selling process determines whether to sell directly or indirectly (Zoltners, 2001).

17 pages, 8341 words

Suggest that it is becoming increasingly difficult for labour market participants to predict with certainty their position within a segmented ... (2008) Organisations and the transformation of the internal labour market, Work, Employment and Society, 15(1): 25–54. The ... in the labour force. For example, the proportion of couples with dependent children where both partners worked increased by ...

These capabilities according to Zoltners reside in the areas for marketing, information and Finance.

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